- Musicalischer Hauss-Andacht Erstes [-Anderes] Zehen [...].
Object's details: Musicalischer Hauss-Andacht Erstes [-Anderes] Zehen [...].
- PLMET: http://confluence.man.poznan.pl/community/display/FBCMETGUIDE
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oai:bibliotekacyfrowa.pl:6547 - Source:
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- License: ; https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/deed.en ;; https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/deed.pl
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Additional information
- Creation date: 2006-07-19
- Last modification date: 2021-03-19
- Content object's number of views: 1613
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See also
Threnodia oder Letzte Thränen über dem seligsten Hintrit dess [...] Herrn George Rudolphs Hertzogs in Schlesien zur Liegnitz [...].
Creator:Zeutschner, Tobias (1621–1675)
Threnodia oder Briegische Trauer-Klage über dem seligsten Hintrit der [...] Frauen Sophiae Catharinae Geborner Hertzogin in Schlesien zu Mönsterberg und Oelss vermählter Hertzogin zur Liegnitz und Brieg [...] Bey dero [...] Leich-Conduct So in Brieg den 29 Octobris dess 1659 Jahres gehalten ward [...].
Creator:Zeutschner, Tobias (1621–1675)
Il secondo libro delle sonate a una, doi, tre, e quattro [...] Opera ottava [...]
Creator:Cazzati, Maurizio (1616-1678) Komp.
Source:50335 Muz.
Concentus armonici duobus, tribus, & quatuor instrumentis concertati [...]
Creator:Possenti, Pellegrino ( 1597-1649)
Source:50099 Muz.
Sonate di violino a voce sola [...] Libro primo opera terza
Creator:Leoni, Giovanni Antonio (1588-1670)
Source:50587 Muz.
Sonate, arie et correnti a 2. e. 3. Per sonare con diversi instromenti di D. Marco Ucellini [...]
Creator:Uccellini, Marco (ca 1603-1680)
Source:50137 Muz.
Sonate per ogni sorte di stromenti, à I. 2. 3. 4. & 6. con il basso per l'organo [...] opera seconda [...]
Creator:Grandi, Ottavio Maria (16/17 w.)
Source:50067 Muz.
Il terzo libro de varie sonate [...] Opera duodecima [...]
Creator:Rossi Salomone (ca 1570-ca 1630)
Source:50110 Muz.