- Modern innovative and information technologies in the development of society
Object's details: Modern innovative and information technologies in the development of society
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Additional information
- Creation date: 2019-09-17
- Last modification date: 2022-09-23
- Content object's number of views: 17
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See also
Innovation technologies in economy and society
Creator:Nestorenko, Tetâna Petrìvna. Red.; Wierzbik-Strońska, Magdalena. Red.; Jendruś, Rafał. Red.
Source:ZD 220
Innovation and information technologies in the social and economic development of society
Creator:Nestorenko, Oleksandr Vasilʹovič. Redaktor; Wierzbik-Strońska, Magdalena. Redaktor
Source:ZD 219
Digital economy and digital society
Creator:Nestorenko, Tetâna Petrìvna. Red.; Wierzbik-Strońska, Magdalena. Redaktor
Assistance from „A” to „Z” – Professional activation of homeless people from Wroclaw Circle St. Brother Albert Aid Society.
Creator:Wiktorska-Święcka, Aldona; Moroń, Dorota
Social investments as an innovative method of managing social change in the regional and national context in Poland
Creator:Klimowicz, Monika; Michalewska-Pawlak, Małgorzata; Makarewicz-Marcinkiewicz, Agnieszka; Moroń, Dorota
Government Programme for the Elderly Social Activity based on the selected example. D4.2 Deliverable, Evaluation report on case study
Creator:Klimowicz, Monika; Michalewska-Pawlak, Małgorzata
Modern technologies in the education system
Creator:Ekkert, Michał. Red.; Ostopolec, Irina Ûrʹevna. Red.
Source:ZD 343