- Catalogue of twelve hundred and forty-eight stars observed at Washington between October, 1838, and July, 1842, reduced to the Middle Epoch, January, 1, 1840, and compared in right ascension with the mean plsces of the British Association Catalogue
Object's details: Catalogue of twelve hundred and forty-eight stars observed at Washington between October, 1838, and July, 1842, reduced to the Middle Epoch, January, 1, 1840, and compared in right ascension with the mean plsces of the British Association Catalogue
http://confluence.man.poznan.pl/community/display/FBCMETGUIDE - Title:
- Subject: ; ; ; ;; ;
- Description:
- Digitisation sponsor:
- Date issued:
- Detailed Type: ;
- Identifier:
oai:bibliotekacyfrowa.pl:100222 - Source:
- Language:
- Access rights: ;
- License: ; https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/deed.en ;; https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/deed.pl
- Location of original object: ;
- Autor opisu: ;
Object is located in the collections:
See also
Osservazioni di ascensioni rette
Creator:Boccardi, Giovanni
Rektaszensions-Beobachtungen von 4066 Sternen mit dem selbstregistrierenden mikrometer des Respoldschen Meridiankreise in den Jahren 1901 bis 1907
Creator:Cohn, Fritz (1902- )
Catalogue of right-ascensions of 2,120 southern stars for the epoch 1900
Creator:Doberck, W.
A Catalogue of 1112 stars
Catalogo delle ascensioni rette medie pel 1890,0 di 2438 stelle
Creator:Legge, A. di; Giacomelli, F.
Déduction des ascensions droites de 1213 étoiles pour l'époque 1900.0
Creator:Nyrén, M.
Ascensions droites moyennes de 1553 étoiles pour l'époque 1900.0
Creator:Nyrén, M.
Last viewed
- Dispvtatio
Dispvtatio Theologica, De [...] Lesna Polonus. Creator:Opitz, Salomon (1650–1716)Date:1675Type:tekstSource:440544