- [Dudycz Andrzej]
Object's details: [Dudycz Andrzej]
- PLMET: http://confluence.man.poznan.pl/community/display/FBCMETGUIDE
- Title:
- Creator:
- Subject: ; ; ;
- Description:
- Place of publishing:
- Detailed Type:
- Format:
- Identifier:
oai:bibliotekacyfrowa.pl:45244 - Source:
- Language:
- Access rights: ;
- License: ; https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/deed.en ;; https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/deed.pl
- Location of original object:
- Autor opisu:
Object is located in the collections:
See also
[Gruner, Christian Gottfried]
Creator:Schmidt, G. C.
Source:Inw. graf. 533
[Grattenauer Carl Wilhelm Friedrich]
Creator:Sander, Wilhelm (1766–1836)
Date:[ca 1800]
Source:Inw. graf. 528
[Granvelle Antoine Perrenot de]
Source:Inw. graf. 526
[Geier, Martin]
Source:Inw. graf. 512
[Gundling Nikolaus Hieronymus]
Date:post 1715
Source:Inw. graf. 542
[Hardenberg Karl August von]
Creator:Schule, Georg Christian (1764–1816)
Date:post 1814
Source:Inw. graf. 559
[Hedloff Melchior]
Source:Inw. graf. 581
[Günther Gottfried]
Creator:Tscherning, Johann (1652–1732)
Date:[ca 1675-1715]
Source:Inw. graf. 543
Last viewed
- [Ubiory w Polsce 1200-1795. Przez J. Matejkę, 1228-1333, ryc. 8].Creator:Matejko, Jan (1838–1893)Date:[1875 ?]Type:obrazSource:752334 III