- Great and small powers in international law from 1814 to 1920 : (from the pre-history of the United Nations)
Object's details: Great and small powers in international law from 1814 to 1920 : (from the pre-history of the United Nations)
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- Creation date: 2015-09-11
- Last modification date: 2022-07-07
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See also
Spory w łonie Europejskich Wspólnot Gospodarczych przed ich Trybunałem Sprawiedliwości, (1954-1965)
Creator:Chodorowski, Jerzy (1920-2011)
Source:PAd 63336 II
La politique du passé et la politique de l'avenir : esquisse d'une constitution
Creator:Branicki, Ksawery (1814-1879)
Source:PAd 301557 II
Epistolarvm Tvrcicarvm Variorvm Et Diversorvm Authorum, Libri V. : In Qvibvs Epistolae De Rebvs Turcicis, Summorum Pontificum, Imperatorum, Regum, Principum, aliorumque mundi Procerum, iam inde a primordio regni Saracenici & Turcici vsq[ue] ad hæc nostra tempora ... leguntur ... / Ex recensione Nicolai Revsneri Leorini ...
Creator:Reusner, Nikolaus (1545–1602)
Date:[po 2 II] 1598.
Epistolarvm Tvrcicarvm Variorvm Et Diversorvm Avthorvm Libri V : In Qvibvs Epistolæ De Rebvs Tvrcicis Svmmorvm Pontificvm, Imperatorvm, Regvm, Principvm, Alliorvmqve mundi Procerum, iam inde a primordio regni Saracenici & Turcici vsque ad hæc nostra tempora leguntur ... / Ex recensione Nicolai Revsneri Leorini IC. Comitis Palatini Cæsarei, & Consiliarij Saxonici ...
Creator:Reusner, Nikolaus (1545–1602)
Date:[po 2 II] 1598.
Die Endigungsgründe völkerrechtlicher Verträge
Creator:Jacobi, Reinhard (1882– )
Source:1086917 II
Völkerrecht und Außenpolitik in der Verfassung der Republik Polen vom 17. März 1921 / vorgelegt von Jan-Josef Halpern
Creator:Halpern, Jan-Josef (1910– )
Source:GSL 9141 II
Sprawozdanie z cyklu spotkań naukowych organizowanych przez PBPO oraz MKKBiDW Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, marzec-czerwiec 2014
Creator:Spychalska, Aleksandra; Sadowa, Katarzyna
Dreibund, Zweibund, England 1890-1895.
Creator:Herrmann, Wolfgang (1904–1945)
Source:179722 II